Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Hurry up and wait

Patience is a virtue that ran short by the time I got to the front of the line at the Virtue Distribution Office. So waiting makes me as twitchy as a long tailed cat in a room full of rocking chairs.

We waited almost a year to get our orders for our next assignment, and now that we have them, time is moving in slow motion.

On January 1, we will be moving to South Texas, and I am as excited as a kid on Christmas Eve.
Until then, I am trying not to have the entire house packed two weeks before the move. But keeping busy is difficult. I lack the focus to sit still for any long period of time, because I have the nagging feeling that I should be DOING something that involves heavy lifting and shuffling stuff about.

To quell the urge, I have rearranged the furniture, several times, cleaned and re-cleaned everything in sight. My home sparkles with unnecessary cleanliness.

The downfall is there seems to be a correlation between my impatience and clumsiness. When the first rises, so does the other.

Now I am trying to tow the line between getting stuff done and not knocking the house down around my feet. It is a precarious path, where sometimes I have to move intentionally, like a sloth, putting all my focus into one movement so I still have stuff left to move in a couple weeks time.

For example, I shattered a porcelain decoration while unplugging my laptop the other day; now I unplug things slowly.

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