Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Life is full of... chaos

What do tornados, giardia, car alternators, the Caribbean, sea turtles, galas, veterinarians, family visits, and sunny days all have in common?

They are all things that have distracted me from writing in my blog the past month.

I have noticed that over the past six to seven months, my life has kicked into super high gear... and there is no sign of slowing. School begins for me in 3 weeks, and we are finally to the point of considering breaking our lease and moving. (We just discovered there is no official cover to our septic tank was the tipping point. I now know I have a sewage "pit" in my back yard where a tank should be. More on that later.)

Good grief.

I'm exhausted from all the changes and challenges — but I haven't felt so alive!

So, I apologize for my absence. Life has been busy making me busy.

Until I have time to write a proper post, please enjoy this picture of some gorgeous fish taken in the Bahamas a couple weeks ago.

Half Moon Cay, Bahamas. ©Teresa Shumaker

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