Thursday, December 12, 2013

Homemade kitty coat

Sylvia is now 11 years old and with this recent cold snap she was insisting I hold her, a lot. I finally realized that she was having a hard time keeping warm in our drafty apartment. 

I set off to find something that can keep her warm when I am too busy to donate body heat. 

I first tried heated rice bags, she thought the smell of microwaved dry rice was terribly offensive and proceeded to avoid it at all costs. 

I researched electric warmers, but couldn't shake the fear of an electrical fire. Scratched that idea. 

I went to the local pet store and found a nice foam bedding that is supposed to retain more body heat and redirect it back up to the animal, but my "Princess and the Pea" cat turned her nose up to it as well. 

I looked at buying her a jacket, but they only had ones for dogs and the arm slits seemed too small.

So I resorted to the next best thing, a homemade outfit. I cut the sleeve from a sweatshirt and fit it over her. Then I felt for her legs and drew a line where I wanted to make the arm slits. After a few modifications, we now have a kitty sweater. 

She keeps giving me looks that makes me fear she is plotting my emanate demise. However, she is no longer cold. Success!
I believe this look means, "You will pay for this, human." ©Teresa Shumaker.

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