Monday, October 21, 2013

Paying attention - not my strongest trait

I enjoy birding because it teaches me to be more aware of my surroundings — And how to use my words to point out something instead of flailing at it.

Birds dislike flailing. Apparently some humans dislike it, too, or so I have been told.

I was perusing through some old photos I took in Texas before I moved to California and found a surprise in what I thought was a group of gulls.
What I originally assumed to be a flock of gulls.  ©Teresa Shumaker. 
Two Caspian Terns hiding amongst the gulls. ©Teresa Shumaker. 
 Now that I see them I wonder how I could have possibly missed them to begin with. But, I believe that's the lesson. Sometimes we are only seeing what we expect, and not what is actually there.


  1. That's so cool, that you could now "see" these birds that are well-camoflauged in the flock of gulls. And, yes, the lesson is important, too.

  2. It's amazing the life lessons we can learn from observing critters.
