Saturday, October 26, 2013

New possibilities

It has been a long wait. My husband is in the U.S. Coast Guard and has been waiting for orders to his next duty station for what seems like an eternity.

We still don't have them. But we will, soon.

Most likely we will know where we are heading next sometime around mid-November and when we need to be there (It could be anywhere between mid-December to July). Recieving that news was a sharp contrast to the vague-hazy-almost-news we have had for the past few months (By which I mean two years).

After hearing something will be happening soon, my anxiety revved into high gear, as if it were preparing for a drag race, and my stomach dropped on the floor.

It just got real. We are moving, somewhere, and sometime soon.

I love new things, and cannot wait to explore a new part of the U.S. However, during the move I have to battle my panic attacks, skittish digestive track and a grumpy cat who prefers howls in protest anytime I take her somewhere new.

I can't wait to do this with kids.... (Note the heavy sarcasm.)

Either way, it's an adventure. Whether it is good or bad — unless it is boring — there is always an exciting story that comes from it.

And whether we land in South Florida, Texas (fingers crossed), the Great Lakes, or Alaska, I know it will be home as long as my best friend is by my side.
 (I meant my husband. The cat doesn't like to go hiking as much. Although, I am glad she will be there too. Except for the mornings, when she wakes me up with a loud meow and pokes me in the eye with her paw.)

1 comment:

  1. I can't wait to hear about your next chapter and keep up with it on this beautiful blog.
