Sunday, January 18, 2015

Don't play with your food!

Great Kiskadee eating a dragonfly. Teresa shumaker photo. 

Unless it is the only way you can eat it.

I caught this photo after a hike around Estero Llano State Park. I was taking a break with my birding friends on the wetlands deck when this kiskadee kindly landed right in front of me off the deck to eat his lunch. I agreed with him that it was a good time for a snack and ate my lunch, too.
I look forward to no longer being pregnant so I can hike more. This year my ability to go out and explore the outdoors has been critically hampered by my inability to be in the heat and quick exhaustion. Plus, once the baby is born, I will have a tiny little birder I will need to take out and show everything! Soon! She is due Jan. 24 and I cannot wait to meet her.

Estero Llano State Park boardwalks and wetlands deck. Teresa Shumaker photo.

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