Wednesday, February 26, 2014

First month in the new place, highlights from my Facebook page.

This morning I walked into the kitchen to find a new species of cockroach dying on the floor. (That makes 4 species so far.) 

This one looks like its daddy was a grasshopper, and I hope to hell its kind aren't hoppers. I will spare you the photo —you're welcome. 

This newest bug gave me the idea to pull together posts from my Facebook page, highlights from my past month of bug battling. 

(P.S. I am  terrified of cockroaches. Give me a mouse or a snake to deal with, and I'm fine, but I will break bones to avoid roaches.)

(P. P. S. Sam is my dog; Matt is my husband. It could get very confusing if you think it is the other way around.)

Jan. 31:
Our first night in our new home was an adventure. 
First, about an hour after sunset was the attack of tiny cockroaches. Hundreds had just hatched due to the recent rain. 
Sam, my protector, attacked back. Then he thought it was a fun game and tossed one at my head. Ack!!
The rest of the night I looked like a cat walking on a tightrope, and I would jump at anything that moved.
Finally, we decide to go to bed when hear some strange noises and we remembered we left the gun in the car. So, out we went to get it and check the house. (To add to the creepy noises, Sylvia was skulking around and would sneak up on me in the dark making strange sounds.)
Sam was sound asleep so we left him in bed when we went outside. (Big mistake.) Upon return we discovered he had peed in the bedroom. He flooded the room with urine. (I am not exaggerating.)
And the bed spread. So I sopped it up with the bed spread, cleaned the floor, and we all went back outside.
When we came back in another tiny cockroach ran toward my side of the bed. I gathered courage and stomped on it.
He then got stuck to my shoe. Panic.
Then he disappeared, so I thought he was still on my shoe, but alive and crawling on me. Triple panic.
I started hyperventilating, and crying, AND laughing because I could see I must have looked insane.
Matt, bewildered by my insanity, just hugged me until I calmed down.
But, whenever we would go outside the view of the Milky Way uninterrupted by city lights made it all worth it. 
Update: Our landlord is awesome, he gave us some bug spray and is getting an exterminator out ASAP.

(Later that night, when I was writing this post on my phone, a roach ran across the screen, and I almost broke my phone with my moderately terror-stricken reaction.)

Feb. 3:
I turned on the heater today, and dead bugs shot out of the vents. And that was one of the highlights of my day - because they were dead! Yay! The worst part was when Sam peed on the top of the stairs and made a waterfall down the stairs. SMH, puppies.

Feb. 14: 
(This one isn't from FB, but it should be included.)
While on the phone with a friend one night, I was sitting in the living room when a huge, fat mouse ran across the living room and into a hole in the wall. My first reaction was to scream, because I first thought it was a roach. (Anything that moves is first labeled a roach, for safety reasons.)
This mouse was so chubby, my next thought was it was a hamster. 
My mom told me peppermint oil soaked cotton balls, placed around the house will deter mice. 
As I was making this concoction, Sam stuck his nose into the jar... then reeling backwards spent the next ten minutes sneezing and rubbing his nose. Poor thing. Turns out this trick works great on mice, and dogs too. 

Feb. 22:
Today's crazy country adventure is brought to you by the letter C... As in centipede. 
There was a baby centipede on my dish rag that I didn't discover was there until I felt it wriggle in the palm of my hand. Good news, it was a baby, it didn't sting me, and Sam is lightning fast to get by my side when I scream. Lol.

Feb. 23: 
My bedtime adventure: kill the giant hornets in my bedroom.
I'm getting really good at murdering bugs. 
However, sometimes all these adventures get me down, and I think maybe we should move somewhere else... But I have grown really fond of the place, and I have acquired many skills.  sigh.
I think sleep is in order, then I'll be back to feeling better in no time.

A list of the bug guests we have had so far (in the house only, I don't have time to list the ones outside):
• 3 different species of wasp
• 4 different species of ant, including cutter and Texas Ants (which are 3/4 of an inch long and stand over a 1/4 of an inch tall. Think about it, that's huge!)
• 4 species of roach
• 8 species of moth
• 5 species of spider (the jumping spiders are the cutest)
• Earwigs
• Rollie pollies

Thankfully, the exterminator finally came out and majority of the bugs we now see are dead or dying. Majority being the operative word. 

1 comment:

  1. Hang in there. Your murderous adventures are a hoot. Keep them coming I'm in India and never see bugs. Go figure.
