American Alligator. ©Teresa Shumaker |
Luckily, my time on the Mendocino Coast has hardened me toward cold weather (not extreme cold, though) and I won't let a cold windy day hold me back.
I was making my way through the boardwalk and as I came up to alligator alley, where this wild alligator hangs out. I noticed he (only a guess on gender) looked a bit odd.
I could only see his head, and with the clear water I should have seen the rest of his body.
Only a head? ©Teresa Shumaker |
On the left are bubbles from him moving his leg beneath the mud. ©Teresa Shumaker |
©Teresa Shumaker |
But, after a few moments, I noticed bubbles coming up as he was wriggling out of the mud. Knowing how cold it is and how nice it must be to be warm in the mud, I backed off and left him in peace.
Side story: I love alligators, or am terribly terrified of them... possibly both. Ever since I was little, I have had dreams at least once a week about alligators and crocodiles.
I can't accurately describe the dreams as nightmares, but they usually are not happy dreams, either.
Most of them revolve around me, wading in a body of water, realizing that there is an alligator (or many) in the water that is watching me.
The rest of my dream is a moderately frightened stare off, as I try to think of a way out of my predicament.
I imagine in real life I wouldn't be "moderately frightened."
Whether they are nightmares or not, those dreams have given me a lifelong fascination of these beautiful creatures. I'm thrilled I get to see them in the wild!