Saturday, September 23, 2017

eBird- whew, that's a lot of work!

12-30-12 Sacramento Wildlife Refuge. This was my second birding trip. Matt and I went on a wild duck chase, looking for a Falcated Duck that had strayed from its native home in China. There were thousands of snow geese filling the sky. 
I have been working hard for the past two months to try to make my Life List of birds official and figure out where I first saw each bird. (To those non-birders reading, yes it is a slightly crazy project.)
My method that I was using for the past 5 years wasn't as accurate as I arrogantly believed.
And I birded for a whole year without writing a single thing down. Jeez.
12-22-12 Christmas Bird Count in Fort Bragg, CA.
This was my first birding trip, and I was unaware it
was an event where you bird from sunrise to sunset.
But I did it, and became hooked! 
So I got to play detective, and hunt others down who birded with me and were more diligent than I. Through the wonderful help of many people who patiently looked up their eBird lists and shared them with me, I now have records of 90 percent of my birding trips!! I still have most of 2013 and all of 2014 to upload to eBird, but I am thrilled to have all of that early missing information compiled. Opening each new list was like a present that launched me into a pool of memories. In addition, I am going through and editing every photo I took, labeling them and uploading them to eBird for science. (If you would like to check out my photos and lists, click here.)
I love sharing the data I collect, but it is not entirely selfless.
The photos bring back the memories and excitement of seeing these birds for the first time, or some fascinating behavior. It reminds me of traipsing all around the country side with some amazing people. We shared jokes, scopes, the beauty of nature, and a great passion for wildlife.
Being a birder is belonging to a wonderful club of people of so many different walks of life. If I see anyone with binoculars wandering around somewhere, I make sure to go talk to them. I rarely do that otherwise. But birders don't just love the birds, we love sharing with each other, seeing new places and meeting new comrades with whom we can share our extreme nerdiness with.

I highly recommend it. Membership is always open and it is a great medicine to remedy loneliness or feeling depressed. The sunlight and fresh air is great for your health, too. Come to think of it, doctors should really be prescribing birding. ;)

11-09-13 The Audubon Raptor Field Trip fell on my birthday. About 20 of us explored the entire Mendocino Coast from sun up to sun down. Growing up I explored the outdoors with my dad, sister, and rarely more than one or two others. To explore in groups like this makes me excited. It's like an outdoor party where you are not forced to make small talk. 

Friday, September 22, 2017

First Kiss

A story about a kiss...
I didn't know I was much of a romantic most of my life. As it turns out, I didn't know a lot about myself until I met Matt. It's funny how it sometimes takes the right person, or right situation to really help you learn about life.
When I was younger I had a plan. Graduate high school by 18, live on my own by 20, finish college and have my first kid by 25, and by the time I was 30 I would be set in my career. Never in my plans did it ever include find a boy, fall in love, and get married. Not that I did't like boys, I have been boy-crazy all my life. I just never expected to devote much time to them.
During the summer of 2005 Matt was hired at my work, at a children's portrait studio, and when he walked in, looking like a cross between Shaggy from Scooby Doo and Wolverine, I waged bets that he wouldn't last a week. I knew he would terrify the kids. Instead, he quickly became my best friend and confidant. And the kids loved him.
He met me at the beginning of a new relationship, and I met him as he was nearing the end of a big relationship. For 5 years he was the closest friend I had. We were even each others go-to-example in arguments against people who claimed men and women cannot be friends.
I loved him like a brother, a best friend, and as anyone would who had such a close friendship.
Then as 2009 came to a close, I had a dream.
The effect my dreams have had on my life are a novel unto themselves. My dreams throw an annoyingly serendipitous wrench into my affairs at random.
I cannot recall much of the anymore, but the nature of it changed how I thought of Matt forever.
I woke up and it was as if I had been completely rewired to think of him in a different way and all of those platonic feelings were shattered to dust. I couldn't hope to reassemble them if I had the eternity of time on my side.
Crap. I don't do well with a new environment in my head, so I went straight to the source of my disjointed state.
At the time, he worked as a waiter at a sandwich shop on my favorite strip of road in town, Broadway.
Broadway has this bohemian feel to it, very eclectic, and mixed with it is generations of my family making memories in its midst. Remnants of Playland sit in an abandoned lot where my parents would go on dates when they were young. Rickety old Kiddie Park still operates. Even when I was a kid the roller coaster looked questionable, but that was part of the fun. My grandmother had a friend in the later 30's whose estranged father sent her money to go to college, instead she bought a convertible car and my grandmother and her girlfriends would cruise the drag strip.
This road has been loved for many years and when you walk on its strip, you feel it emanating from the asphalt.
In I walk to the deli shop, hoping to catch my best friend for a lunch break, instead I hit the rush. So I order a sandwich and sit down to wait. All the time I cannot take my eyes off of him. He feels the switch too and comments later that he felt almost hunted by my eyes. I don't do subtle well.
Well, the lunch rush was never ending and he suggested we could catch up over dinner at our favorite restaurant across the street. This restaurant is, in my opinion, the best Chinese food on the planet, and no matter where I live, anytime I visit home, I beeline to them. And even if a year has passed since they have last seen me, I am always greeted with smiles of recognition.
I have had first dates here and post break-up consolation parties here, and numerous trips with good friends. Along with all of that history, this restaurant keeps a piece of my heart.
My best friend finally gets off work and we sit down, barely taking a second to look at the menus —we already know what we are going to order. Actually, we can practically order for each other and a handful of other friends who regularly come with.
Their wonton soup is the best. Think wonton soup meets the coziness of chicken noodle soup. Plus, they don't stuff their wontons, which I vehemently appreciate. (In stuffed wontons I always wind up with gristle or something with an odd texture in my mouth. Yuck.) Many times when I was sick, their wonton soup was the only thing that sustained me.
As we get our food I begin to stammer, hem, and haw around the subject because now after feeling weird all day, I just feel like a fool.
And he leans on the table, with his arms folded in front of him and chin on his wrist. He looks up at me with that sideways smile and says he knows something is up and I should just spit it out.
Finally, with enough prodding I tell him the whole darn thing and how my dream has tried to wreck my life and our friendship. With immediate confidence he tells me not to worry, he won't let anything happen and nothing will ruin our friendship.
The problem with his logic — I have a stronger will than he does.
So dinner passes with us laughing about it, me being awkward and twitching and him bemused by my peculiar antics.
Now as fast as I talk, I think even faster, and up bubbles a memory of a story my mom told me about when she was in college.
When she was single, she had a friend she enjoyed hanging out with. They decided to go on a date and when it came to the first kiss, they giggled as no sparks flew and they realized they were just destined to be friends only.
Light bulb. I had a plan. But, I had to percolate on it to make sure it was foolproof. Turns out I am bad at making fool-proof plans.
By the time we had paid for dinner and were sitting in my car talking about the makings of the universe, I had decided this was my only option, we had to kiss so I could go back to normal.
I shared this idea with him and we discussed it at length, with neither of us willing to make the next move.
My frustration grew with my lack of taking action and I expressed it. Then he reached over and kissed me.
What happened next obliterated all of my stubborn thoughts that we would go back to being friends.
My body went from confused and frustrated to being set on fire and all of my senses reacted to that kiss.
I felt as if someone had hit me with an epi-pen of pure amorous instinct and his mere breath as alluring as the smell of a lit match to a would-be recovering smoker.
An eighteen-wheeler could have exploded behind us and we wouldn't have noticed.
I never understood the phrase 'being swept off your feet' until this moment.
The kiss lasted only a brief moment. He and I exploded off of each other in absolute confusion, previously convinced of the outcome, as sure as any mathematician is that two plus two equals four.
And then, as if we were cast in some odd Woody Allen film, we spent the next five minutes trying to analyze what just happened.
This was too big to understand and we wanted to put it back in a nice, neat box. As we discussed what could have possibly just happened, a gravitational pull had created itself toward one another and before we could stop it, we were locked in an embrace yet again.
This pattern of emotional pull, shock, then over examining happened repetitively for at least an hour. Finally the time arose that we had to leave in order to wake up for work the next day.
As he left the car, he jumped back in and stole one more kiss. His last words to me were, "Just in case I don't get to do that again."
I'm not an easily moved person, but that sentence brought me to the verge of crying, and the memory of it makes me tear up anytime I re-live it.
My world was shattered, the sky wasn't blue, down was now up, and I was utterly confused. I spent the next year forcing myself to wake up to the reality that something that good couldn't happen, the gods of fate or luck wouldn't allow it, he spent the next year proving me, and my opinion of fate, wrong.
Two years later, we drove into the parking lot to go eat at our favorite chinese food restaurant and when we walked back to the car, in the exact parking spot we had first kissed, we took pictures of the "Just Married" graffiti painted all over the back windshield.
Sometimes things that shouldn't exist, do. And sometimes you have to have the guts to believe in it, even when it doesn't make sense, or you will miss out on a lifetime of happiness.
September 22, 2012 Happy Anniversary, my love. 

Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Killdeer babies

Mama killdeer telling me to get lost as I snap a photo from the car. Teresa Shumaker photo.

Baby killdeer. Teresa Shumaker photo.
 I was having one of those mornings where I was contemplating shipping off my crazy pets (only a daydream of the frazzled), when Matt came home and asked if I saw the babies in the driveway of our condos.
He barely finished his sentence when I had my hand on the back door with my camera around my neck.
These cuties were just standing in the middle of the driveway/alley where about 20 condos garages open up.
Later on that day, as we were leaving for the store, an impatient woman whipped around our car and almost hit the two babies, scaring them to run into and bounce off a garage door.
So I asked Matt to stop the car, I jumped out and attempted to corral the birds down a grassy corridor that leads to the golf course.
One of the little guys freaked out and ran the wrong direction then tried to hide in an AC unit.
Thankfully, he stopped moving and I was able to corral him and his sibling into the grass.
Of course, when we returned  from the store they were back in the middle of the driveway. But by evening they had moved on.
Here is hoping they stay away from traffic and other hazards. Mom and dad killdeer are great parents and almost took my eyes out when I was helping the babies. If they are brave enough to try to take me on, those babies should be safe from other predators.

Count the legs, there are a few extra feet sticking out. Teresa Shumaker photo.

A very vigilant parent. Teresa Shumaker photo.
Little baby killdeer. Teresa Shumaker photo.

Killdeer family, the other parent was busy circling around. Teresa Shumaker photo.

Friday, April 24, 2015


Greater Roadrunner. Teresa Shumaker photo.

Greater Roadrunner. Teresa Shumaker photo.
 While on the way to visit a nearby wildlife refuge, we spent an hour driving the three-mile road leading to the park. The side of the road was teeming with activity and we saw more birds there then our entire time in the refuge. (Live Oak trees are incredibly hard to see birds in.) 

One of the highlights of the roadside shows was the greater roadrunner. 
I have always thought of this bird to be a very "Texas" bird. Turns out this bird ranges from California to Louisiana. Not so Texan after all. 

Nevertheless, seeing these birds running alongside country roads is a real treat. They are full of sass and wait until the last minute to run off the road when a car approaches, then they stand on the side of the road puffed up waiting for the metal box to pass. 

This particular bird kindly posed in different ways so I could get his (or her) best angle. Clearly it is destined to be a runway model.
"Move along, I have important things to do." Teresa Shumaker photo.

Sunday, April 19, 2015

Wildflower Season

Bluebonnets in San Antonio, Tx. Teresa Shumaker photo.
Texas in spring is a gorgeous time, but this year has been breaking rainfall records, which means that the spring wildflowers are blooming in force. 
Bluebonnets. Teresa Shumaker photo.

Bluebonnets bug. Teresa Shumaker photo.

"Thanks for the leg up!" Teresa Shumaker photo.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


If there was one word to sum up my mornings as a parent, it would be laughter.

Our mornings currently begin between 5 to 6 a.m., my daughter, River, wakes up to eat, then falls back asleep for a short time. I use this nap as an opportunity to quickly brush my teeth and shower. I am usually able to jump back in bed right as she is waking up - which is often an ordeal.
Sometimes she kicks, flails and grunts for minutes, sometimes she wakes up crying, and every so often she just opens her eyes.

Whatever her wake up method is, once she is completely awake she is nothing but smiles and giggles. We typically spend an hour laying around talking, laughing, tickling, reading, and enjoying each other. The cats join us in bed for skritches and to inform me that I am late — again — on delivering their breakfast. Sam, my dog, plays with our feet and wriggles around the bed, enjoying our morning routine, too.

By 9 a.m. breakfast is complete, and River and Sam know what is coming next - our morning walk. The tell-tale clue is me singing the "Adventure Time" theme song, with the names of Jake the dog and Fin the human changed to Sam and River. At first, pushing a stroller with one hand and hanging on to my chaotic 50 lb. dog with the other was a little daunting. But after a few months we have the routine down and I can even push River up hills and over curbs one handed.

Our walks are not simple strolls in the neighborhood. Sam wants to sniff everything and so we follow. Over the curb, around trees, behind bushes, next to the pond — our stroller has seen it all. River's first few weeks of walks were used for napping, but now she takes everything in.

I point out birds and sounds, describe our surroundings and give a commentary on Sam's behaviors. These mornings are my treasure.

Sunday, February 1, 2015


Wild buttercups. Teresa Shumaker photo. 

Now that winter is completely here, I am (naturally) looking forward to spring. The wild flowers, the birds, the warmer weather and sunny days! And I am looking forward to being able to enjoy those sunny days without melting like I did while I was cooking a human inside me. 

Oh the possibilities!